Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SharePoint Picture Library

As a Task, I was suppose to Create Picture Library, where user can browse through the Image gallery

Add an entry under List Instance

Add an Entry in List Template

OnQuickLaunch="FALSE" SecurityBits="11" Sequence="9032" DisplayName="Test Picture Library metadata" Description="Defines the list that will contain the Test Picture Library metadata." FeatureId="1F8BC8B5-63BB-2223-3D13-C2F6E980C634" RootWebOnly="TRUE" NoCrawl="TRUE" DocumentTemplate="100" Image="/_layouts/images/itil.gif"/>

Make sure that you give the Type as 109 – which is for Picture Library

To Create Schema, If you have installed SharePoint extension, Create a project and Create Picture Library List which will give you Schema.xml

Or go to

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\PictureLibrary\PicLib

Copy past the Schema.xml from this path

Create a Feature with the Entry

Create Manifest and WSP file with usual procedure

Note: Ensure that the folder name which you have specified in ListTemplate is same as the folder name where your Schema.xml file is kept.