Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sharepoint Custom Search

Sharepoint Custom Search

Points we need to make sure before using Search Option

Open the project "SharePoint.Search".
Go to the method "ExecuteFullTextSqlQuery" In SearchResults.ascx.cs page, where we can see query which retrieves data

"SELECT FileExtension, Rank, ContentClass, Path, Title, Abstract, IsDocument FROM SCOPE()"

Go to Central Administration,

Shared Services Administration: SharedServices1 > Search Settings > Managed Properties

Open Metadata Property Mappings page

Check All the fields which is specified in the query exist or not .

If the fields doesn't exist, go to New Managed Property at the top and add the field.

Check the checkbox "Use in Scope"

Common errors which may occur are :

Property doesn't exist or is used in a manner inconsistent with schema settings.
Possible reason : Field doesn't exist in Metadata Property Mappings

Your query is malformed. Please rephrase your query
Possible reason : Query is nor formatted properly

After doing this, again if the data is not coming, Comment the line
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" \"Scope\" = '" + _scope + "' ");

Because this may give error as "Scope in your query does not exist"

To know more about how this works, check this links

The code below says about how we can customize sharepoint search option

protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ResultTableCollection resultTableCollection = FetchRelevantSearchResults();
ResultTable relevantResultsResultTable = resultTableCollection[ResultType.RelevantResults];

DataTable relevantResultsDataTable = new DataTable();
relevantResultsDataTable.Load(relevantResultsResultTable, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);

if (relevantResultsDataTable != null)
grdSearch.DataSource = relevantResultsDataTable;

// Fetch search result
private ResultTableCollection FetchRelevantSearchResults()
ResultTableCollection resultTableCollection = null;

ExecuteFullTextSqlQuery(out resultTableCollection);
catch (Exception ex)


return resultTableCollection;

// Call CAML query
private void ExecuteFullTextSqlQuery(out ResultTableCollection resultTableCollection)
// Guid _currentSiteGuid = SPContext.Current.Site.ID;

//using (SPSite _SPSite = new SPSite(_currentSiteGuid))
using (SPSite _SPSite = new SPSite("http://mossdev:35643"))
using (FullTextSqlQuery _FullTextSqlQuery = new FullTextSqlQuery(_SPSite))
_FullTextSqlQuery.StartRow = 0;
_FullTextSqlQuery.RowLimit = 2;
_FullTextSqlQuery.HighlightedSentenceCount = 3;
_FullTextSqlQuery.EnableStemming = true;
_FullTextSqlQuery.TrimDuplicates = true;
_FullTextSqlQuery.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
_FullTextSqlQuery.KeywordInclusion = KeywordInclusion.AnyKeyword;
if (SPSecurity.AuthenticationMode != AuthenticationMode.Windows)
_FullTextSqlQuery.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.PluggableAuthenticatedQuery;
_FullTextSqlQuery.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.NtAuthenticatedQuery;
_FullTextSqlQuery.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;

StringBuilder sbFullTextSqlQuery = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("SELECT ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" FileExtension, Rank, ContentClass, Path, Title, Abstract, IsDocument ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("FROM ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" SCOPE() ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("WHERE ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" FREETEXT(defaultproperties, 'raj') ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("AND ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" \"Scope\" = 'Knowledge Objects' ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("AND ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" ( ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" (IsDocument = 1 AND ContentClass = 'STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary') ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" OR ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" (IsDocument = 1 AND ContentClass = 'STS_ListItem_850') ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" OR ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" (ContentClass = 'STS_Web') ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" ) ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("ORDER BY ");
sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" Rank DESC ");
// sbFullTextSqlQuery = new StringBuilder();
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("SELECT Title, Abstract, Rank FROM scope() WHERE scope='All Sites' ");

//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("SELECT Account,CreatedBy FROM scope() ");

// fields needs mapping Title,Abstract,

// sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("SELECT FileExtension, Rank, contentclass, Path,IsDocument FROM SCOPE() WHERE FREETEXT(defaultproperties, 'company') AND Scope = 'Knowledge Objects' AND ( (IsDocument = 1 AND ContentClass = 'STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary') OR (IsDocument = 1 AND ContentClass = 'STS_ListItem_850') OR (ContentClass = 'STS_Web') ) ORDER BY Rank DESC") ;

//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("SELECT FileExtension,contentclass,Rank,Path,IsDocument FROM SCOPE() WHERE FREETEXT(defaultproperties, 'company')");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("AND ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" ( ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" (IsDocument = 1 AND ContentClass = 'STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary') ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" OR ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" (IsDocument = 1 AND ContentClass = 'STS_ListItem_850') ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" OR ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" (ContentClass = 'STS_Web') ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" ) ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("ORDER BY ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" Rank DESC ");

//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("SELECT ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("Title,Abstract, FileExtension, Rank, ContentClass, Path,IsDocument ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("FROM ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" SCOPE() ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append("WHERE ");
//sbFullTextSqlQuery.Append(" FREETEXT(defaultproperties, 'company') ");

_FullTextSqlQuery.QueryText = sbFullTextSqlQuery.ToString();

resultTableCollection = _FullTextSqlQuery.Execute();


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Attack on Sasken office in bangalore

All the three offices of Sasken Communications Technologies Ltd in the city were shut down today as members of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike (KRV) attacked one of its offices at Electronic City after a few employees wrote a supposedly derogatory poem on Kannada.

The police said that the attack was in protest against a poem written by a senior executive that allegedly made fun of the Kannada language and was reportedly circulated among non-Kannada employees. Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) B.K. Singh told The Hindu that a private Kannada television channel aired reports about the “anti-Kannada” poem being recited in the office.
the activists had damaged the equipment on the third floor of the company’s research wing
Meanwhile, employees of Sasken also lodged their protest over the poem by refusing to work in the afternoon.
Two boards were displayed on the gates of the company expressing their displeasure.

These type if situation proves again and again ,... How the IT people are behaving in bangalore,..

Even though comparitievly kannada people are very soft , but we to expect some respect from non karnataka people, who stays here,..

I am Raj Takre statement in mumbai,.. People should behave as mumbai walas when they are in mumbai,... may be same thing should be applied to bangalore