The StsAdm.exe utility allows Administrators to maintain and modify SharePoint sites through a command-line interface. The StsAdm.exe command-line has the general form:
stsadm.exe -o command -url siteAddress commandParameters
Command | Use to |
activatefeature | Activate a feature after it has been deployed. |
addalternatedomain | Create an alternate access mapping. |
addcontentdb | Create a new content database. |
addpath | Add a defined path to a virtual server. |
addpermissionpolicy | Create a new permission policy. |
addsolution | Add a SharePoint solution package (WSP) to the server's solution store. |
addtemplate | Add a site template to the template gallery. |
adduser | Add a user account to the specified site and assign it to the specified site group. |
addwppack | Add a Web Part package to your server Web Part gallery. |
addzoneurl | Create an alternate access mapping for a resource outside of SharePoint. |
authentication | Set the authentication method and authentication properties for a web application. |
backup (site collection) | Create a backup of the site collection at the specified URL. |
backup (catastrophic) | Create a backup of all the server's web applications. The directory parameter is the location to store the backup. |
backuphistory | Display the history of catastrophic backup and/or recovery. |
binddrservice | Register a data retrieval service. |
blockedfilelist | Add or remove a file extension to the blocked file list. |
canceldeployment | Cancel the deployment of a feature. |
changepermissionpolicy | Add or remove a permission level for a user permission policy. |
copyappbincontent | Copy web application-specific files from the 12\CONFIG folder to each web application on the server. |
createadminvs | Create the administration virtual server for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. |
creategroup | Create a new SharePoint security group. |
createsite | Create a site at the specified URL. |
createsiteinnewdb | Create a site at the specified URL and create a new content database. |
createweb | Create a subsite at the specified URL. |
databaserepair | Delete orphaned items and repair corruption in a content database. |
deactivatefeature | Deactivate a feature. |
deleteadminvs | Delete the administration virtual server. |
deletealternatedomain | Remove an alternate access mapping. |
deleteconfigdb | Delete the configuration database. |
deletecontentdb | Remove a content database. |
deletegroup | Remove a SharePoint security group. |
deletepath | Remove an included or excluded path from the list of paths. |
deletepermissionpolicy | Remove a permission policy. |
deletesite | Delete the specified site. |
deletesolution | Remove a SharePoint solution package (WSP) after it was retracted. |
deletetemplate | Delete the specified site template. |
deleteuser | Delete the specified user. |
deleteweb | Delete the specified subsite. |
deletewppack | Remove the Web Parts in a Web Part package from a virtual server. |
deletezoneurl | Remove an alternate access mapping for resources outside of SharePoint. |
deploysolution | Deploy a SharePoint solution package (WSP). |
deploywppack | Deploy a web part package (MSI). |
disablessc | Disable Self-Service Site Creation for the specified virtual server. |
displaysolution | Displays the status of a SharePoint solution package (WSP). |
email | Set the email configuration settings for your server or for a specific virtual server. |
enablessc | Enable Self-Service Site Creation for the specified virtual server. |
enumalternatedomains | List alternate access mapping for resources outside of SharePoint. |
enumcontentdbs | List the content databases for a web application. |
enumdeployments | List all active and pending deployments. |
enumgroups | List the site groups that are available for use in a particular site or subsite. |
enumroles | List the SharePoint security groups for a web application. |
enumservices | List the status and type information for all SharePoint services. |
enumsites | List all of the site collections that have been created under a particular virtual server. |
enumsolutions | List the SharePoint solution packages (WSP) in the server's solution store. |
enumsubwebs | List the subsites that have been created under a particular site collection. |
enumtemplates | Lists the site templates that are available. |
enumusers | List the users of a particular site or subsite. |
enumwppacks | List the Web Part Packages currently in your server Web Part gallery. |
enumzoneurls | List the alternate access mappings for resources outside of SharePoint. |
execadmsvcjobs | Execute pending administrative service jobs. |
export | Export a web site and its subsites as CAB files (.cmp) to archive or move the sites to another location. The versions parameter is an integer from 1 to 4 with these meanings: 1 2 The current version 3 Last major and last minor version 4 All versions |
extendvs | Extend an existing IIS web application with SharePoint and create a new content database. |
extendvsinwebfarm | Extend an existing IIS web application with SharePoint for use in a server farm. |
forcedeletelist | Delete a list. |
getadminport | Return the administration port for Windows SharePoint Services. |
getproperty | Return the property value for the specified property name. See Table B-3 for a list of valid property names. |
getsitelock | Return the lock status of a site. |
geturlzone | Return the zone of a site. |
import | Import sites and subsites from a .cmp file created by the export command. The updateversions parameter takes one of the following settings: 1 Add new versions (default) 2 Overwrite the file and all versions 3 Ignore the file if it exists on the destination |
installfeature | Install a feature from a SharePoint solution package (WSP). |
listlogginglevels | List the diagnostic logging levels. |
localupgradestatus | Display the upgrade status of the server. |
managepermissionpolicylevel | Add or delete a policy level. |
migrateuser | Change a user name. |
provisionservice | Start or stop a service. |
refreshdms | Update the directory management service. |
refreshsitedms | Update the directory management service for a specific site collection. |
registerwsswriter | Register the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) for use with third-party backup and restore software. |
removedrservice | Remove a data retrieval service. |
removesolutiondeploymentlock | Remove locking that prevents solution deployment. |
renameserver | Change the name of a server. |
renameweb | Rename a subsite. |
restore (site collection) | Restore a site collection from a backup file. |
restore (catastrophic) | Restore an entire web application from a backup file. |
retractsolution | Remove a deployed SharePoint solution package (WSP). Use retractsolution before calling deletesolution. |
retractwppack | Remove a deployed web part package (MSI). |
scanforfeatures | Scan deployed solutions for new features and install them if found. |
setadminport | Set the port number for the administration virtual server. |
setapppassword | Establish a key used to encrypt/decrypt passwords used by the people picker to search for users across domain boundaries. |
setconfigdb | Create the configuration database or specify the connection to an existing configuration database. |
setlogginglevel | Set the diagnostic logging level. |
setproperty | Set a property by name. See Table B-3 for a list of valid property names. |
setsitelock | Lock a site. |
setworkflowconfig | Change the workflow configuration settings. |
siteowner | Set the owner or secondary owner of a site collection. |
spsearch | Start, stop, or change the SharePoint search settings. |
spsearchdiacriticsensitive | Enable or disable diacritic sensitivity in search. When disabled, characters like ñ and n are treated as the same. |
syncsolution | Update a deployed solution with changes from a new version in the solution store. |
unextendvs | Removes SharePoint from a virtual server. |
uninstallfeature | Remove a feature from the list of available features. |
unregisterwsswriter | Remove the registry for the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) used with third-party backup and restore software. |
updateaccountpassword | Change the password for a user account. |
updatealerttemplates | Change the name of the template file used by SharePoint alerts. By default, SharePoint uses alerttemplates.xml. |
updatefarmcredentials | Change the passwords for the Central Administration application pool account. |
upgrade | Upgrade a site collection from WSS 2.0 to WSS 3.0. Run the upgradetargetwebapplication command before running upgrade. |
upgradesolution | Upgrade an existing solution in the solution store. |
upgradetargetwebapplication | Create a new web application to host site upgraded from WSS 2.0 to WSS 3.0. |
userrole | Add or remove a user to a SharePoint security group within a site. |