Tuesday, June 22, 2010

SharePoint Workflow not triggering when item changed - issue resolved

I was working on SharePoint designer 2010 workflow, I was stuck in one workflow problem, where the workflow was not triggering when I change the item, even though I have selected the option of auto trigger when item change.

After lot of analysis, I found that, its the problem with not comple the previous workflow.

whenever, you are working with multiple condition workflow, complete the first workflow, then only the next workflow will gets triggered, because Sharepoint workflow is sequential, you can't run two workflow parallaly on the same item.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Customizing themes in SharePoint 2010

I was trying to apply custom themes for the SharePoint 2010 Online site.

thought of making seperate theme, instead of applying for each site manually.

The steps to create the themes are explained in this link using power point


follow the above steps, create thmx file, navigate to Site Settings, themes, upload this file in to the themes gallary.

you can see your custom theme available in themes list.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

SharePoint 2010 Calculated Column - Get Days Left from Due date to current date

I was trying to Get day's remaining from the Due Date to current date using SharePoint calculated column in of our SPO2010 MileStone List.

I used ths technique to get days left

Create a dummy column Today with Single line of text

Create a DaysLeft calculated column
Enter this value in formula place
Make the above output as Single Line text

Note: You should have column with name "DueDate"

After doing this, click Ok, than delete the column "Today". come back to your list, you will see number of days remaining under the column "DaysLeft"

Monday, June 7, 2010

SharePoint designer 2010 - Changing the alternate Style of List View

To change the alternate style of List view,
Open page in designer,
Select the rows
Select Row Formatting option
Click on Advanced option enter  position() mod 2=0

or view code, enter the below code in place of


Replace with


Save the file.

Friday, June 4, 2010

SharePoint Designer 2010 - Error in Approval Workflow

I was working on Sharepoint 2010 workflow in Designer, I was creating simple approval workflow.

I was surprised to see the result, even I say rejected, I was getting mail has approve. did some R&D.

later, found it solved by enabling Content Approval flag.

To do this , Go to Library Settings - Version settings, select Enable content approval option